Advice For Us 20-Somethings

My advice for us 20-somethings? Live life while your young!

People at our age, should be energetic, hardheaded, chest-pounding young adults facing challenges from every aspects of life.  It’s time where we step into another new life, and new surrounding. As we move from school to work, from being single to having relationships, from being protected to protecting someone else.

The rat race

It’s hard to avoid comparing ourselves to others. However, when I look at some of my peers who are getting married, buying properties, and starting families, it’s hard not to. What other people have achieved seems so huge compared to my own. When I look at myself in the mirror, I ask myself: What have I achieved?

Such a simple question, yet the feeling of the whole world caving down sometime rushes in. There are so many things I want to achieve. Things that I want to do. People I want to be with. But, alas many have yet to be done.

I know taking everything one by one is the only way to meet success, but the thoughts of the “unachievable” are daunting.

Be inspired, not envious

Achievements by people around us can be inspirational. Especially if we do not become envious of what these people have achieved. So, I guess, it’s best to take a deep breath, and clear the mind.

On the other hand, we should never under-play what WE have achieved. We must learn not to compare ourselves to others, because then we won’t be able to recognize our own success. The grass, on the other side, is always greener. But then again there’s those, on the other side, who think our grass is greener than theirs.  What a vicious circle.

Focus on the right things

We all have our own way of dealing with things. There is no step-by-step manual for anyone to follow in life. There is no right or wrong either. As a young adult, we have responsibilities to those around us. BUT we must sometimes learn to focus on what WE want to do, not what other people want US to achieve.

It’s the journey, which makes all the difference, not the destination. We might all make it to the same end. But whether the journey is worth taking, it’s upon US to decide.

Advice For Us 20-Somethings? There’s a bright light out of the tunnel

Take every little beginning as a start of something good. No matter what the situation is. Whether it’s changing a new job, shifting to a new area, or starting a new relationship with someone.

It won’t be easy. But with ample courage, and by tackling one thing at a time, we can stack up our own achievements into something we can really be proud of.

Just remember to give yourself a pat on the back when you achieved something, big or small. We are all unique. Don’t live someone’s life, live a life of our own.

Do something out of the world that no one tells you to do. And be proud of it.