Exposure Is Good For Business, 5 Things To Remember.

The word exposure has gotten a bad rap. Being relegated to the private parts of perverted people who can’t keep it in their pants. But when it comes to making money, you must have exposure. In the end, exposure is good for business. Here’s 5 things to remember.

1. People can’t buy what they don’t know:

Many small businesses spend too much time focusing on producing their product. Being the best means nothing if no one knows about you. That’s why we have terms like – Sales, Marketing, Advertisement and Promotion.

What do all these terms have in common?


Each of these business components is designed to help you get exposed. To let the world know you exist. To tell them you have what they need.

2. Best is not better:

Do you think McDonalds, Starbucks and Budweiser had the best products? Think again. There were far superior products out there, but it was strong marketing that brought these brands to the forefront. People buy what they are familiar with. Even if it’s not the best alternative.

This means not focusing all your energy  on making the perfect product. Get out there and let them know you have what they need. And then work on making the appropriate changes to your product along the way.

3. Make waves:

Today it’s called going viral, and harnessing the internet seems to be the medium of choice. But as a small business owner, your market is more likely a local one.

So, go out and do something big. Make a splash. That means putting yourself out there. Volunteer for local civic groups, sponsor an event your customers will likely attend, purchase big bold advertisement, become a public speaker for your industry or whatever makes you stand out.

When it comes to exposure, even controversy works. Just ask the current president.

4. Ride the wave:

There’s nothing like a good fad to get the money flowing. And when things are hot in your industry, you need to participate. If your competitors are hot, find out why. Its ok to copy, but make sure yours is somehow unique to your own brand identity (meaning how you want to be seen). Take something that’s popular and try to incorporate it into your product or service. Yes, it may be a fad, or it could be an entire new direction for your industry.

5. Be the expert in your field:

When I started my inspection company, I provided free training inside realtor’s offices. We covered things like spotting red flags while listing a house, environmental issues, building repair cost analysis etc. Eventually the word spread, and we were invited to banks, mortgage brokers, escrow companies and even large commercial real estate offices. This meant when people or customers had questions, I was the one referenced. These simple training events soon doubled my business, and helped our company become the largest due diligence provider in Hawaii.

Why not try to devise a plan to help establish yourself as the expert, or go to brand, in your industry.

Exposure Is Good For Business Conclusion:

Here are a few good articles

22 Low-Budget Marketing Ideas For Small Businesses

25 Creative Ideas for Gaining Local Exposure for Your Small Business

10 Amazing Social Media Marketing Strategies to Get Maximum Exposure for your Business

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