Restoring Joy – Another Pandemic Loss

When it comes to restoring joy. We must answer two questions.

Question 1 – What is Joy?

Websters defines Joy as:

The emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires i.e. – delight.
The expression or exhibition of such emotion i.e. gaiety.
A state of happiness or felicity i.e. bliss.
To experience great pleasure or delight i.e. rejoice

But Joy is not just a response to getting something we want, an emotional outburst or just being happier than we usually are. Joy is often something that comes from within and focuses outward. Although it is easier to have joy when things are going well. But. joy is really an inner feeling. It’s something we can have regardless of the situation.

Paul the apostle, in his letter to the Galatians, calls joy one of the fruits of the spirit.  Buddhism calls it Mudita, which refers to the pleasure that comes from delighting in others’ wellbeing. Mark Twain said, “To get the full value of joy you must have someone to share it with.”

Joy is contentment, mixed with a large helping of happiness, a smidgen of jubilation, and a strong desire to share it with others.

Christopher Rither

Question 2 – Have You Lost Your Joy?

It’s easy to see it when our close friends lose their joy. We read it in their faces. See it in their body language. Hear it in their voice.  Observe it in their loss of motivation, commitment, and how their disposition has changed.

The problem is sometimes it’s hard to see it in ourselves. Especially when we’re in a pandemic mode, locked away in our own little worlds. But if you’re reading this, you’re probably seeing it in yourself.

5 Ideas on restoring joy.

1. Forgive yourself

Going through hard times (like a pandemic), it can be hard to find joy. However, it’s important to accept the situation we’re in, forgive ourselves for past mistakes, and move forward. So, STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP. It’s time to forgive our past, move on and start restoring joy.

2. Stop focusing inward and start focusing outward.

Sometimes, ya just gotta let go. We can never find joy lost in self-pity. Obtaining treasure and accumulating stuff may seem like it would bring joy. But we might find it’s what stops us from finding our joy.

  • Try minimizing your life. Start by throwing out or giving away the old baggage and belongings that weigh us down.
  • Start Volunteering. Working with those less fortunate than ourselves is a great way to bring new joy. And realize the things that we really don’t need anymore.
  • Focus on those closest to you. Sometimes it helps to get our eyes off ourselves by focusing on others. And why not start at home.
  • Show interest in others. It’s amazing how people will open up when we stop talking and start listening. Especially when we dont try to offer our advice. So next time you say, how are you doing?, wait for an answer.

3. Challenge ourselves by trying something new

restoring joy

Yes, we all get bored with life sometimes. Things that used to make us happy now don’t. We try to return to what used to bring joy but find it lacking. Start making a list of new things you could try. Start working on your bucket list. Find a good church or social group and start meeting new people (joy can be contagious). Please, don’t give up. Through effort is when we usually find what we’re looking for.

So, Set some new goals and start moving

4. Manage our perspective

When we get into a joy-blocking negative viewpoint it’s hard to get out. Here are a few ideas to change your perspective.

  • Try a month of journaling. Writing things down can help quantify the issues and visualize the real issue. It can also help to start a gratitude journal to express our thankfulness daily.
  • Seek expert help. There are many qualified specialists, psychologists, counselors, pastors etc who can help us re-find our joy.
  • Join or Start a Support group. Misery loves company and so does joy. So instead of meeting with our old joyless friends, maybe its time to find some new ones.
  • Listen to music or podcasts. Music has been proven to change moods. So, make a new playlist and pump it up. Or try listening to other forms of media that can change your old thinking habits.
  • Focus on your spirituality. The bible talks a lot about Joy, as does most religions. That’s because Joy comes from deep within. We are more than just thoughts and flesh. Try exploring, you may never know the joy you’ll find.

5. Relinquish Perfectionism.

This idea was found in a great article called: 5 Practical Ways to Restore Your Joy. By Daisy Rosales.

The strongest point in the article is that “perfectionism can’t see beyond the present and that our perfectionism can start to define us.”  Of course, I guess there is Joy in a job well done. But I would agree that it’s hard to find joy if you’re always trying to be perfect.

Joy is one of the things that make life worth living. So, don’t give up, joy will come.

Life is filled with detours, setbacks, and problems of many kinds, but we must not let it steal our joy. Leave a comment below about your ideas on restoring joy.