Successful Business Commandment 2 – Organize Thyself | Organization Ideas

When it comes to success and organization ideas, there’s no better place to start than math. There’s a branch of Mathematics called Order Theory that studies various kinds of binary relations. A binary system used in computers is made up of two numbers – 0 and 1. When a computer makes any calculation, it’s based on a different series of binary code like – 10 or 01, or 0101 or 1010 etc.

This series of binary codes are recognized by the electric current that is turned on and off inside the components of the computer.

It’s like taking a light switch, and moving it up and down. Every time you move the switch to the on position, the wires inside the walls are put together. This contact allows the electric current to flow freely, thus turning on the light.

This is exactly what happens in a computer. Only the switch is turned off and on in different series of combinations. These electrical signals are then translated by the software. Which, in turn, converts them to the appropriate letters, pictures, sound, numbers etc. Without the organization provided by the binary code in digital devices, we would just get a jumbled, disordered, and incoherent mess.

organization ideas
Organization Defined:

Just like computer code, without specific order our life would turn into a series of jumbled, disordered, and incoherent events. This is why organization is the second commandment of success and is defined differently depending on your goals:

  • When it comes to organization expediency, one good definition would be – the process of placing different objects in logical arrangement for better searching and discovery.
  • For time management a good definition would be – the process of arranging your time to properly manage the tasks, goals and projects that need to be done.
  • For weight loss it would be – to re-order your life to consume more nutritious food, less “junk” food, and spend more time moving (exercise).

Whichever way we define it, organization always involves a process of one type or another. When it comes to generic organization ideas, everyone organizes their life, time, and belongings in different ways. The president or leader of a country needs to organize their time to the second. While us common folk can organize our time in hours or days. But, no matter how we organize our time, we need to stop making excuses and find a process to make the best use of the time we have.

Organization Ideas #1:  Time Management is Crucial – 7 reminders

organization ideas

  1. When you think about it, time is easy to manage because it’s already broken into small segments for us., If you have a clock and a calendar you are pretty much good to go. However, here are a few ideas.
  2. write things down in an organizer, smart phone application, notebook, paper, napkin or whatever else you need to keep track of your time. We forget but paper does not.
  3.  Be consistent with your planning and organization habits. Procrastination means death to consistency, but great if you want to go through life winging it.
  4. set the habit of carrying your organizer/list  with you regularly (like your smartphone). It does no good to write things down, and then forget about them on the table at home.
  5. It doesn’t matter the means where you organize your time, all that really matters is that you begin to do so. Then keep working at it until you find something that works.
  6. One of the best organization tips is to keep things simple. Because if it’s too complicated, you probably won’t use it.
  7. Many people use reminders (like alarms or timers) to keep themselves on-track. Other common time management tools are hiring personal assistants, call services, smart phone apps, software like Scoro or Asana, and calendar based organizers like DayTimer or DayRunner.

Organization Ideas #2: Paperwork & Finances:  

third commandment of success organize thyself and your paperwork

It is cheaper, in the long run, to become efficient in organizing paperwork, than it is to pay the late fees, overdraft, fines, and frustration over the lost hours which accompanies sloppy and disorganized paperwork. This is why good data managment and record keeping is so important.

  • There is common organization tips that states, “handle paper one time, and save a dime.” This basically means – the less you handle paper, the more time you save. In this case time does equal money.
  •  If we have fallen into the bad habit of shuffling paper work, and moving it from place to place, then you might want to make the organization of your paperwork a priority.
  •  Try experimenting by: purchasing stack-able paper trays or a filing cabinet, accounting software like Mint or QuickBooks, separating bills into various folders, scanning and digitizing papers, setting up internet banking and electronic payment for every bill. Also try researching other opportunities like attending a seminar, or seeing a professional.
  • It’s easier to keep track of finances over time, than it is to wait until the end of the year and try to sort through the mess. Remember building good habits requires us to keep working at things over and over. As well as finding systems that work. The way we work. Afterwards, we only have to discipline ourselves to keep up with the system and stay on track.

Organization Ideas #3:  Your Life

third commandment of success organize your life

Obviously there is no simple way to organize our entire lives. Many things are beyond our control, but here are a few organization ideas to start.

  • Goals: If you want to be successful, and get things done, there is no better way than to set a goal, and start making plans to accomplish them.
  • Activities: Quite often, our activities get in the way of living. We spend so much time organizing our life around various activities that we forget to be spontaneous. So to help, maybe we could take a different way to work. We could find a new friend,or start talking to stranger. It might even help to explore places beyond where we usually go. Maybe even trying something new entirely.
  • Friends and family: When we write out our calendar, don’t forget friends and family members that we have overlooked. Or those we thought about spending time with, but never did. Try writing down their names and schedule them in.
  • Health: There is a saying that goes – some people spend all their time obtaining wealth and then spend all their wealth obtaining health. Need I say more?

If we want to become successful, we’ll have to change the way we’ve done things in the past. The time and effort spent organizing various areas of our life is not just the best way to start. But can also be very satisfying as well.