Take it out back and shoot it – Ideas for better living

Take it out back and shoot it: ideas for better livingThere is a popular video online, where a father takes his daughters laptop computer, and shoots it with a 45 caliber hand gun. It seems this father was fed up with his daughter’s complaints about her parents on Facebook. Apparently she was forewarned that if she kept complaining about her chores, that her ability to complain to others (via her laptop) would be taken away for good. I guess she didn’t believe him, because if she did she would still have her laptop.


Ideas for better living – Shoot first ask questions later?

Now we could argue the merits of this type of parenting response, or whether the laptop can take that kind of abuse and keep on working. However let’s look at this from the perspective of food for thought, and think about things that could benefit us if we just took them out back and shot them (either figuratively or literally.)

Are we really that important, or in that much danger, that we need to carry around a phone all the time, so we can be in contact 24 hours a day?  Do we focus more on social media, than we do being social? How do we get on track?  Here are a few ideas to simplify your life.


6 areas that may help

* Maybe we could get more done if we just stopped watching others live their life’s (aka “reality” TV) and started living our own.

* Is the Television set in our living room really helping us unwind, relax, and enjoy ourselves, or is it really just making us fat, lazy, and stupid.

* Is keeping up with 200 friends, on some social network, stopping you from having a real social life – aka interacting with people face to face?

* Do we spend more time surfing the internet, than let’s say surfing for real, or some other physical activity?

* Would taking your home cable box and shooting it help you live a better and more productive life?

* Instead of playing an imaginary guitar on some gaming station, why not spend the same time and learn the real thing.


Ideas for better living – Conclusion

Instead of complaining about your life do something about it, and make your own list of the things that should be taken out back and shot.