Life is Like the Mueller Investigation

Life is like the Mueller investigation. You know those long drawn out soap opera’s where one tune’s in day by day just waiting for a conclusion. Always seeming to be at an end, but never quite getting there.

The Mueller report has been a long time coming. Like those precious last few pounds we’ve been trying to lose. Or the hours of preparation trying to gain that elusive promotion.

Just like the Mueller investigation, we all must suffer the skeptics. Those who don’t believe we can accomplish anything worthwhile. Or the antagonists that constantly push against us. Spreading rumors and false reports of our demise.

Then there are those cheerleaders who think we can do no wrong. Blaming others for our mistakes. Shifting focus away from our failures while highlighting the errors of the other team.

But, in the end, we must finish our report. Continuing regardless of what comes at the end.

So, keep striving for professional gains even if they seem slow coming. Don’t give into the losses that are bound to come. Stay the course on your exercise and diet plans even if you must modify them along the way. Keep preparing for that job interview or your vacation savings plan.

In the end, we must endeavor to reach our goals regardless of the skeptics, naysayers, cheerleaders or adversaries you face. Because in the end, the Muller Reports of our lives will come and go. But we will continue regardless of the findings.