First Commandment of Success: Make a Decision… Please!


Make a Decision… Please!


Success starts with a conscious decision to do something. 

It could be the decision to join a gym, start eating right or spend more time with family. Sometimes it’s as simple as deciding to do something different from what we have done in the past.

Our children will say they forgot to do homework but somehow managed to remember to turn on the computer, download some music, play a game, and chat with a friend.  

Yet as adults we do the same thing. We say we don’t have the time or money to fix something broken or clean the house, but somehow find the time and money to see a movie, hang out with friends over overpriced coffee.

Our success begins with a decision. When we stop to grasp the true nature of our humanity (like the propensity to make lame excuses).  To overcome what drags us down, and strengthen the areas that lift us up. This is the purpose behind this article, and our first step to success. 

The first step begins in our brains.

My father used to tell me that indecisiveness was a sign of weakness. I never knew what he was talking about because I was too busy trying to decide whether I wanted to order a big mac, fillet of fish, or a quarter pounder with cheese. Later in life, I realized that when I oscillated between one decision and the next, it becomes increasingly difficult to make any significant progress.   

Successful people all have this in common. The ability to make a decision, and then set in motion the steps needed to reach that decision.

How to Make A Decision and Stick to It


*  Find a place conducive to helping you make clear and rational decisions and go there regularly.

*  Brainstorm and write all the pros and cons of a decision to help prioritize your thoughts.

Limit your options to those most applicable to your overall goal.  Sometimes having too many options makes it difficult to make a decision at all.

*  Try to evaluate possible outcomes before you act. Look at the risks, consequences, and feasibility of various decisions.

*  Do not listen to the nay-sayers and pessimists. Surround yourself with people who will give you honest advice and support you even if they don’t agree with you.

*  Clear your decision with the right people (spouses, children, bosses, parents, etc) before you start. 

*  Don’t ever let the fear of failure stop you from reaching your goals. Sometimes life will give us “reality checks” which often seem like the precursor to failure.  These difficult times show us how not to do something.

*  Your success is not determined by the expectations of others, because personal success is always determined by the individual’s goals.

*  Don’t overlook the small things in life, and remember it’s never too late to make up your mind.

Take the “How good is your decision-making test at ”

 Success is the process of reaching our goals… not the goal itself

Set Some Realistic Goals and Start Moving


Setting smaller goals can make it easy to find success early.  Remember our success lies when the outcome of a decision is in line with the main purpose of our desires.

This does not mean we have to be satisfied with only partially reaching our goal.  It’s important to remember that success is a process and not a destination. All our successes, whether they be small or large, partial or complete, all began when we make up our minds to do something, and then take action to fulfill it.

Join us for the Second Commandment of Success:  Organize Thyself